Wikipedia link

Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8") @ f/10
Camera: Skyris 236M with Orion RGB filters
Exposure: 5000 frames @ FPS (avg.)=54 Shutter=7.100ms Gain=0 (0%)
Date: Feb 11th 2017
Time: 7:25 pm - 7:30 pm
Location: Campbell, CA

Transit of Venus, in 2012 June 5-6

Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8") with Black Polymer Solar Filter
Barlow: Orion Shorty-Plus 2x
Camera: DMK 21AU04
Exposure: 13 x Stack of 3000 frames
Date: Jun 5th 2012
Time: 3:09 pm - 4:10 pm
Location: Sunnyvale, CA

From at 22:09 June 5 to 04:49 June 6
Visible in its entirety from Hawaii, Alaska, Australia, the Pacific and eastern Asia, with the beginning of the transit visible from North America.
Wikipedia link


Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Camera: Celestron NexImage
Barlow: Orion Shorty-Plus 2x
Exposure: Stack of 1017 x 1/500th s @ 30fps
Date: Sep 30th 2008
Time: 7:37 pm

Venus at ~2000X

Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Powermate Televue 5x
Camera: Celestron NexImage
Exposure: Stack of 1051 x 1/150th s @ 30 fps
Date: Sep 30th 2008
Time: 7:32 pm

Venus transits Jupiter, in 2065 November 22

No rush with this one... Besides, it will be very difficult to observe from Earth, because the elongation of Venus and Jupiter from the Sun on November 22, 2065 will be only 7 degrees
Wikipedia link
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