Veil Nebula, NGC 6960

Object: Supernova Remnant
Constellation: Cygnus
Apparent Magnitude: 7.0
Est. Distance: 2000 ly
Wikipedia link

Note: UNPROCESSED. Size reduced 50%
Telescope: Orion EON 80mm ED
Camera: QHY-8
Exposure: 59x300 sec (4 h 55 mins)
Guidescope: Celestron CPC 800 EQ Mount (with Wedge)
Guider: DMK 21AU04 with PHD Guiding
Date: 11th August 2011
Location: Sunnyvale, CA

Note: Size reduced 50%
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 EQ Mount (with Wedge) with f/6.3 Focal Reducer
Camera: QHY-8
Exposure: 20x120 sec (40 mins)
Guidescope: Orion EON 80mm ED
Guider: DMK 21AU04 with PHD Guiding
Date: 10nd July 2009

Note: An attempt to reveal some detail of the faint Veil Nebula. Unfortunately the IR filter in the Nikon seems to remove most of it.
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Camera: Nikon D70 unmodified
Exposure: 185x30 sec (92.5 mins)
ISO: 1600
Date: 2nd June 2008