Wikipedia link
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Camera: Skyris 236M with Orion RGB filters
Exposure: Stack of 1024 out of 4000 frames @ 60 FPS Shutter=16.64/15.96/16.98ms Gain=256/240/240 (50%)
Date: Jun 13th 2019
Time: 01:15 am
Note: Animation of 7 frames taken 15 - 30 minutes apart
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Camera: Skyris 236M with Orion RGB filters
Exposure: Stack of 1024 out of 3000 frames @ 45 FPS Shutter=21.4/22/22ms Gain=210/182/182 (37%)
Date: May 12th 2018
Time: 12:33 am - 02:08 am
Note: First light with the 2x barlow and the Skyris. I have the impression that the sensor pixel density is so high that the conditions must be spectacular to be able to fully benefit of the spatial resolution
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: Skyris 236M with Orion RGB filters
Exposure: Stack of 500 out of 2000 frames @ FPS (avg.)=22 Shutter=44.00ms Gain=252 (52%)
Date: Apr 2th 2017
Time: 12:43 am
Location: Campbell, CA
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Camera: Skyris 236M with Orion RGB filters
Exposure: Stack of 500 out of 3000 frames @ FPS (avg.)=45 Shutter=22.00ms Gain=182 (37%)
Date: Apr 2th 2017
Time: 12:23 am
Location: Campbell, CA
Note: All jovian moons on the same field of view. From left to right, Calisto, Ganymede, Io and Europa
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Camera: Skyris 236M with Orion RGB filters
Exposure: Stack of 3000 frames @ FPS (avg.)=54 Shutter=7.700ms Gain=217 (49%)
Date: Mar 31st 2017
Time: 12:10 am
Location: Campbell, CA

Note: Animation of 4 frames taken about 5 minutes apart (pretty much back to back) to display the IO transit
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Camera: Skyris 236M with Orion RGB filters
Exposure: Stack of 3000 frames @ FPS (avg.)=54 Shutter=16.000ms Gain=238 (49%)
Date: Mar 1st 2017
Time: 1:48 am - 2:18 pm
Location: Campbell, CA

Occultation of Jupiter by the Moon

Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Camera: DMK 21AU04
Exposure: Stack of 4000 frames @ 30 fps
Date: Sep 2th 2016
Time: 3:27 pm - 3:30 pm
Location: Campbell, CA
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: DMK 21AU04 with Orion RGB Filters
Apparent Mag: -1.89
Distance: 5.6963 AU
Date: 26th Jun 2016
Time: 22:40 pm
Site: Campbell, CA
Note: Animation of 7 frames taken 10 to 15 minutes apart. The Moon is Europa
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: DMK 21AU04 with Orion RGB Filters
Apparent Mag: -2.91
Distance: 3.9726 AU
Date: 23th October 2011
Time: 12:54 am - 02:20 am
Note: Io (barely visible) and its shadow
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: DMK 21AU04 with Orion RGB Filters
Exposure: Stack of 614R, 669G, 650B
Apparent Mag: -2.81
Distance: 4.1152 AU
Date: 26th September 2011
Time: 1:15 am
Note: Where did the SEB (Southern Equatorial Belt) go?
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: DMK 21AU04 with Orion RGB Filters
Exposure: Stack of 404R, 558G, 697B
Apparent Mag: -2.78
Distance: 4.1464 AU
Date: 29th October 2010
Time: 9:46, 9:52 & 10:02 pm
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: DMK 21AU04 with Orion RGB Filters
Exposure: Stack of 500R, 510G, 500B
Pickering Seeing Rating: 5-6
Apparent Mag: -2.80
Distance: 4.0995 AU
Date: 6th September 2009
Time: 12:42 am
Notes: This is my best Jupiter image to date
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: DMK 21AU04 with Orion RGB Filters
Exposure: Stack of 442R @ 1/19s, 671G @ 1/30s, 622B @ 1/30s
Pickering Seeing Rating: 6-7
Apparent Mag: -2.82
Distance: 4.0709 AU
Date: 31st August 2009
Time: 11:53 am
Notes: 3 frame animation of Europa, Ganymede coming out occultation, and Jupiter featuring Europa's shadow and GRS
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: DMK 21AU04 with Orion RGB Filters
Exposure: Stack of 400R @ 1/13s, 468G @ 1/23s, 557B @ 1/19s
Pickering Seeing Rating: 4-5
Apparent Mag: -2.83
Distance: 4.0523 AU
Date: 2nd August 2009
Time: 0:32, 0:37 & 0:44 am
Notes: The recent impact cloud is becoming more elongated and prominent. This night I learned I need to refocus between filters... This image has been featured in spaceweather.com
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: DMK 21AU04 with Orion RGB Filters
Exposure: Stack of 512R, 512G, 483B @ 1/19s
Pickering Seeing Rating: 5-6
Apparent Mag: -2.82
Distance: 4.0602 AU
Date: 31th July 2009
Time: 1:44 am
Notes: Jupiter and Europa. The recent impact cloud is the dark mark near the south pole link
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: DMK 21AU04 with Orion RGB Filters
Exposure: Stack of 666R @ 1/23s, 918G @ 1/45s, 900B @ 1/45s
Pickering Seeing Rating: 2-3
Apparent Mag: -2.80
Distance: 4.0854 AU
Date: 26th July 2009
Time: 1:45 am
Notes: Io and Jupiter
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: DMK 21AU04 with Orion RGB Filters
Exposure: Stack of 203R, 199G, 228B x 1/8 s
Pickering Seeing Rating: 4-5
Apparent Mag: -2.80
Distance: 4.0910 AU
Date: 25th July 2009
Time: 2:30 am
Io and its shadow in transit
Notes: One exposure every ~30 minutes. 6 in total. GRS and Red Spot Jr. also visible. Frames are slightly over sharpened.
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: Celestron NexImage
Each Exposure: Stack of 530-700 x 1/5 s @ 5 fps
Date: July 21st-22nd June 2008
Time: 10:40 pm to 1:00 am
Eclipse in Ganymede
Notes: One exposure every 3.33 minutes. 9 in total. Ganymede comes out of Jupiter's shadow while Io is visible on the right
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: Celestron NexImage
Each Exposure: Stack of 600-800 x 1/5 s @ 5 fps
Date: July 10th June 2008
Time: 10:33 pm to 11:00 pm
Great Red Spot Transit
Notes: One exposure every fifteen minutes. 22 in total. Moons are Io and Europa
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: Celestron NexImage
Each Exposure: Stack of 600-800 x 1/5 s @ 5 fps
Date: July 1-2nd July 2008
Time: 10:45 pm to 4:00 am
Favorite Shots of Jupiter
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: Celestron NexImage
Exposure: Stack of 550 x 1/5 s @ 5 fps
Date: 21st July 2008
Time: 10:40 pm
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: Celestron NexImage
Exposure: Stack of 716 x 1/5 s @ 5 fps
Date: 1th July 2008
Time: 1:03 am
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: Celestron NexImage
Exposure: Stack of 817 x 1/5 s @ 5 fps
Date: 1st July 2008
Time: 11:45 pm
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Orion 2x Shorty Plus
Camera: Celestron NexImage
Exposure: Stack of 789 x 1/5 s @ 5 fps
Date: 2nd July 2008
Time: 12:45 am

Jupiter and Moons
Objects and Apparent Magnitude: Ganymede (4.59), Io (5.0), Jupiter (-2.7) & Europa (5.27)
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Camera: Celestron NexImage
Exposure: Stack of 768 x 1/5 s @ 5 fps
Date: 27th June 2008
Time: 1:12 am

Jupiter at ~2000X
Features: Io and its shadow transiting, plus the GRS disappearing on the right side
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Powermate Televue 5x
Camera: Celestron NexImage
Exposure: Stack of 556 x 1/5 s @ 5 fps
Date: 22nd July 2008
Time: 12:30 am
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Barlow: Powermate Televue 5x
Camera: Celestron NexImage
Exposure: Stack of 830 x 1/5 s @ 5 fps
Date: 1st July 2008
Time: 1:13 am

Jupiter planner

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