Wikipedia link
Notes: Second attempt at imaging the ISS. Stack of 9 frames. To put things into perspective, I recorded
about 5 minutes, so a total of 15 fps x 60 sec x 5 mins = 4500 frames. I need to improve my tracking skills :)
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Camera: Skyris 236M with R Filter
Exposure:Shutter=11.87ms Gain=480 (100%) FPS=15 Gamma=100
Date: 29th Sep 2016
Time: 19:54 - 20:00 pm
Site: Campbell, CA
Notes: First attempt at imaging the ISS. The outcome were 5 non-overexposed frames of which only this one was "usable" :)
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8")
Camera: Skyris 236M with L Filter (IR/UV cut)
Exposure:Shutter=8.990ms Gain=240 (50%) FPS=54 Gamma=100
Date: 28th Sep 2016
Time: 20:48 pm
Site: Campbell, CA
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