19 Fortuna
Wikipedia link

Note: Fortuna, one of the largest main belt asteroid (top right) captured while shooting the Crab Nebula Click here to view final image. Histogram stretched
Object: Asteroid
Apparent Magnitude: 9.49
Est. Distance: 1.39 au
Dimensions: 225x205x195km
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 EQ Mount (with Wedge) with f/6.3 Focal Reducer
Camera: QHY-8
Filter: 2" Hutech IDAS Light Pollution Suppression
Exposure: 22 frames of 5 minutes each. Approx. 2 hours total
Guidescope: Orion EON 80mm ED
Guider: DMK 21AU04 with PHD Guiding
Date: 18th October 2009

Note: Same shots with the histogram unstretched, to better show the asteroid