C/2007 N3 (Lulin)

Object: Non-Periodic Comet
Wikipedia link

Note: Image size is reduced 50%. The two brighter stars are 56Y (upper left) and 59 (top right) Leonis.
Unfortunately the anti-tail was nearly completely hidden at this point due to the opposition alignment, althought
a longer exposure might have been required as well in order to reveal it.
Apparent Magnitude: 6.04
Est. Distance: 0.4134 AU
Telescope: Orion EON 80mm ED
Camera: QHY-8
Guidescope: Celestron CPC 800 EQ Mount (with Wedge)
Guider: DMK 21AU04 with SmartAstronomy .5x Focal Reducer 1.25" and PHD Guiding
Exposure: 4x150s & 7x30s (13.5 mins)
Date: 25th February 2009
Time: 12:36 am

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