
Me with all the toys in a park nearby.

Telescopes and Accessories:
Observatory: SkyShed POD XL3 with Hardened Foam Insulation Walls
Telescope: Celestron CPC 800 (8" SCT f/10) #11073-XLT
Telescope: Orion EON 80mm ED Apochromatic Refractor
Dovetail System: Losmandy 8" Dovetail plate (VSCT13 & VCB8) & 125 mm I.D Rings (VR125)
Counterweight System: Losmandy complete counterweight system (VWS13, VCB8) with 1x5 lb. + 2x2.5 lb. weights (5.0 BW & 2.5 BW)
Wedge: Celestron Heavy Duty Wedge #93655
Eyepieces: Celestron 40 mm E-Lux (50°) 1.25", bundled with CPC 800
Eyepiece & Filter Kit: Celestron Accessory Kit 1.25" (32 mm(44°), 15, 6, 4 mm (52°) Eyepieces, #12,21,25,56,58A,80A Color Filters, Moon Filter, Case) #94303
Eyepiece: Celestron 2.3 mm X-Cel Series (55°) 1.25" #93386
More Zoom, Slower F Ratio: Tele Vue 5x PowerMate & Orion Shorty-Plus 2x Barlow 1.25"
Wider Field, Faster F Ratio: Reducer/Corrector f/6.3 for SCT, SmartAstronomy .5x Focal Reducer 1.25"
Dew Shield: Orion FlexiShield 8"
Pads: Celestron Vibration Suppression Pads #93503
Power Supply: Celestron Telescope Power Tank-17 Power Supply #18777

Cameras and Accessories:
Camera: QHY-8 (Q453HR)
Camera: Celestron Skyris 236M
Camera: The Imaging Source DMK21AU04.AS
Adapter: Tele Vue SCT Adapter Short #08365
Adapter: Orion 2" Focuser Prime Focus Camera Adapter #05269
Adapter: Televue 2" Extension Tube with Brass Clamp Ring
Adapter: Orion 2" to 1.25" Eyepiece Adapter
Filter: 2" Hutech IDAS LPS-P2-48
Filter Wheel: Orion Multiple-Filter Wheel for 1.25" Filters
Filter Set: 1.25" LRGB Astrophotography Filter Set
Filter: Orion Skyglow Broadband Light Pollution 1.25"
Filter: Thousand Oaks Black Polymer Solar Filter (8")
Camera: Celestron NexImage CCD Solar System Imager

Capture and Processing: MaxIm DL/DSLR 5.02, IC Capture AS 2.0, AMCap 9.01, RegiStax 5, AviStack 1.74, SBIG CCDSharp 1.14, Adobe Photoshop CS3, PHD Guiding 1.9.1, Astra Image 3.0 SI
Photoshop Plugins: Noise Ninja 2.1.2, GradientXterminator 1.1.3
Planetarium: Starry Night Pro Plus 6.2.3

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe, Watson-Guptill Publications, 2001
The Backyard Astronomer's Guide, Dickinson & Dyer, 2nd ed. 2002
Cosmos, Sparrow, 2006
Astronomy Hacks, Thompson & Thompson, 2005
Universe, Cheetham, updated ed. 2006
The Universe, Marriott, 2004
Mars 3-D, Jim Bell, 2008
A Guide to Astrophotography with DSLR Cameras, Lodriguss, 2007 (HTML)
A Modern Guide to Planetary Imaging, Damian Peach, 2007 (DVD)
Making Every Pixel Count, Vol. 1, 2 & 3, Adam Block, 2007 (DVD)
The Handbook of Astronomical Image Processing, Berry & Burnell, 2nd ed. 2005
The Dobsonian Telescope, a Practical Manual for Building Large Aperture Telescopes, Kriege & Berry, 2001
Star Testing Astronomical Telescopes, Harold Richard Suiter, 2nd ed. 2009

Sold or Unused Equipment:
Telescope: Celestron NextStar 4 SE (4" Mak-CT f/13) #11049
Eyepieces: Celestron 25 mm E-Lux (50°) 1.25", bundled with NexStar 4 SE, 9 mm (52°) Eyepiece, 2x Barlow
DSLR: Nikon D70 (unmodified), IR Remote ML-L3, 2x Zoom Right Angle View Finder, Tamrac Expedition 3 Case

Wanted: (Yes, I do accept donations :-))
Narrowband Imaging Filters (H-Alpha, OIII, SII, H-beta, UV)
Solar Telescope/Filter (Coronado, Lunt, etc...)

My pictures have been seen at:
TVO Channel from Canadian Television: Big Ideas: Best Lecturer. Airdate: Sunday March 29th, 2010. 1st of August 2009 2010 Astrophotography booklet. Here is a local copy (in case they move it)

Contact info:
The setup waiting for clear skys
Celestron CPC with QHY-8 and Orion EON with LRGB filter wheel and DMK 21AU04
The SkyShed POD
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